Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) has released its 2022 IHEA Federal Election Platform

2022 IHEA Federal Election Platform

In Part A of 2022 IHEA Federal Election Platform, IHEA recommends a National Tertiary Sector Reform Strategy.

IHEA proposes that the next Australian government develop an agreed national strategy for structural reform of Australian tertiary education. IHEA proposes that components for urgent consideration of a National Tertiary Sector Reform Strategy to include:

  1. A single student loan scheme across the tertiary sector with equitable settings for all students.
  2. Course funding models with accessibility based on quality not provider type that support workplace skills, industry demand, lifelong learning, and creative disciplines.
  3. Research funding models that are accessible to independent and public universities and recognise, commercialisation, scientific endeavour, and academic excellence across all disciplines.
  4. Flexibility in funding models that recognise the varying demands of state and regional economies.
  5. Greater unification of the higher education, vocational training, and skills sectors.
  6. A single tertiary sector regulator.

In Part B of the Platform, IHEA focuses on re-energising higher education through three key themes:

  1. Students First.
  2. International Education Recovery.
  3. Reducing Regulatory Burden.

The Platform outlines a series of low-cost, highly beneficial sector reforms to support students to succeed and chart the course for the economy of the future. These are:

  1. HELP Loan Equity – Permanent Abolition of the FEE-HELP Loan Fee.
  2. Protections – Commonwealth Ombudsman to Consider Domestic Student Disputes.
  3. Funding Equity – Access to Commonwealth Supported Places in National Priority Fields.
  4. Leadership – Establishment of International Education Ministerial Council.
  5. Transparency and Protections – International Agent Registration.
  6. Accessibility and Competitiveness – Abolition of Fees for Student Visas.
  7. National Benefit – Greater Pathways to Permanent Residency for Graduates in Priority Disciplines.
  8. Fairness – Urgent review of TEQSA Cost Recovery Model to Develop a Fairer Model.
  9. Regulatory Duplication – One Government Submission for Co-Regulated Providers.
  10. Modernisation – Reform Copyright Legislation to Reduce Levies on Education.

Comment from IHEA CEO Dr Peter Hendy

“The federal election on 21 May provides the opportunity for independent higher education providers to advance key reforms to re-energise Australian higher education, tackle skills shortages, and drive economic growth during the next term of Australian government,” said IHEA CEO, Dr Peter Hendy.

“IHEA proposes that the next Australian government works with all stakeholders in the higher education sector to develop an agreed national strategy for structural reform to drive efficiencies, address economic demands, and realise the enormous scientific, societal, and commercial potential of the sector.”

“The 2022 IHEA Federal Election Platform outlines a series of low-cost, highly beneficial sector reforms to support students to succeed and chart the course for the economy of the future.”