Latest news in independent higher education

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IHEA Welcomes Govt Higher Ed Relief

12 April 2020
Media Release

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the Government’s announcement of important policy initiatives for the higher education sector, which will boost education and career opportunities for Australians and provide relief for Australian independent higher education providers in this time of national crisis.

IHEA CRICOS Cost Recovery Submission

14 February 2020

As the leading peak body representing Australia’s quality independent higher education providers, IHEA advocates for a regulatory model which allows providers to focus on course quality and student success without undue reporting and regulatory burdens.

IHEA Optimistic On Departmental Consolidation

6 December 2019
Media Release

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the creation of the new Department of Education, Skills and Employment, and is optimistic that the consolidation of Commonwealth agencies can deliver benefits for students and providers in Australia’s tertiary education sector.