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New Leadership for IHEA – Members Elect New Board

13 June 2019
Media Release

Mr Alan Finch, Deputy Vice chancellor, Bond University, has been elected as the new Chair of Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) following the retirement of long-term Chair, Dr Don Owers AM. Ms Gabriela Rodriguez, Deputy Group Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, Academies Australasia Group, has been elected as the Deputy Chair.

Australian Qualifications Framework

15 March 2019

The review of the Australian Qualifications Framework is examining whether the current AQF is fit for purpose and if not, what areas need reform to make it a more useful framework for the entire education system. It presents an opportunity for the sector to help to develop a clearer, more coherent and modernised AQF.

Provider Category Review

8 March 2019

The Provider Category Standards Review is an opportunity to modernise Australia’s provider categories to be responsive and transparent to the needs of students and the community. IHEA’s submission recognises the quality of independent providers; develops opportunities for innovative University Colleges to be targeted at pedagogical excellence and student demand; and preserves the strength of research excellence at the core of a University title.