The private sector in higher education is recognized for the quality of student outcomes from a diverse range of smaller institutions that focus on the quality of teaching. The diversity is also evident in the provision of international education. For COPHE, seeking policy that encourages all students to be global citizens is a priority.
COPHE Response to the Review of the Governance and Administration of the Tuition Protection Service (TPS). Given that the TPS has operated now for three years it is timely to consider what fine tuning and improvement can be made to the governance of something that works.
We welcome the publication of the draft National Strategy. While we are pleased the Government has accepted all the Chaney recommendations, it is imperative these are implemented immediately.
COPHE urges Senators to approve the legislation recognising the need for a sustainable system and one that addresses equity in the treatment of students. It will also improve choice and diversity within the higher education sector for all students.
COPHE appreciated the opportunity to provide evidence to the Senate Education and Employment Committee Inquiry. COPHE’s submission supported the original Bill in its entirety except for Schedule 3 relating to the interest rate on loans where we, along with everyone in the sector, proposed retention of the Consumer Price Index.