Coronavirus Advice as IHEA joins Global Reputation Taskforce
Important information for independent higher education providers and students about the coronavirus situation
As the leading peak body representing Australia's independent higher education providers, IHEA are committed to ensuring that students and providers in Australia's higher education sector are equipped with the very best information with which to respond to efforts to manage the spread of coronavirus.
ucation Minister Dan Tehan has invited IHEA to join a new taskforce of sector leaders from across the country to protect the global reputation of Australia's international education sector. The remit of this taskforce has recently been expanded to include the efforts underway to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While the direct crisis response is best managed by expert agencies and organisations, it is important that sectors facing ongoing impacts have a seat at the table and IHEA is proud to be representing independent providers in this forum.
Additionally, we are engaged with the Australian Government to keep government stakeholders informed of providers' concerns about potential impacts on the access of international students to the Australian higher education sector.
Information about management of coronavirus and travel restrictions should be sourced directly from Government agencies where possible to ensure it is up to date. Providers should find the latest information and advice from the Government websites below:
Information from the Department of Health
Information from the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Information from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
Information from the Department of Home Affairs
Advice is also available from the State and Territory public health agencies below:
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