IHEA CEO Represents Independent Higher Education Sector at Productivity Commission ‘Productivity Inquiry’

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) CEO Dr Peter Hendy represented Australia’s independent higher education sector by appearing and speaking at the Productivity Commission’s ‘Productivity Inquiry’ public hearing on 7 November 2022.

The Productivity Inquiry is reviewing Australia’s productivity performance with a view to recommending an actionable roadmap to assist governments to make productivity-enhancing reforms.

Dr Hendy elaborated on two final submissions IHEA had earlier provided to interim reports of the Productivity Inquiry: Interim Report 1: Key to Prosperity and Interim Report 5: From Learning to Growth.

Interim Report 1 provides the broad productivity context for the exploration of productivity-enhancing reforms detailed in a series of forthcoming interim reports. IHEA's final submission to this report was received by Productivity Commission on 20 October 2022.

Interim Report 5 outlines potential ways governments can improve education outcomes to support future productivity. IHEA's final submission to this report was received by Productivity Commission on 21 October 2022.

A transcript of the public hearing will be available after the hearings.

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