IHEA Provider Category Standards Submission

In our submission to the Higher Education Standards Panel, IHEA has made recommendations to improve processes and outcomes for higher education students and the providers they choose to enable them to pursue their life goals.

As the leading peak body representing Australia's quality independent higher education providers, IHEA developed a comprehensive submission to the Higher Education Standards Panel advocating for the Provider Category Standards to make full use of the insights arising from the Coaldrake Review.

IHEA largely supports the amendments to the Provider Category Standards proposed by the HESP. In particular, our members support the creation of the college category for non-university providers that are recognised for providing a quality education and have a solid track record of compliance and excellence in higher education. Under the current categories, these institutions, often with a long history of higher education provision, were unable to have their quality and maturity recognised unless they were seeking to transition to the Australian University category.

IHEA supports the intent for the outcomes of the Provider Categories Review that:

“...the structures set in place for Australia’s higher education sector enable, rather than impede, innovation while also maintaining a high expectation of quality...”

“[The current] university-centred mindset will need to shift if Australia is to meet its future workforce demands and economic potential. As such, the tertiary pathway perspective for students needs to be reframed.”

There are, however, two primary areas of concern with the amendments for IHEA, the University College Category and proposals for greenfield universities. The drafting of the amendments in these areas potentially inhibit these objectives being met.

Read more in our full submission below:

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