IHEA Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Migration on ‘Migration, Pathway to Nation Building’

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) provided a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration on their 'Migration, Pathway to Nation Building' inquiry and report into the role of permanent migration in nation building and Australia’s migration system.

IHEA's submission primarily relates to international education in independent higher education and
Vocational Education and Training (VET) sectors. Our hope is that outcomes of this Inquiry will deliver a migration system that more closely integrates migration, trade and international education to achieve a stronger, economically resilient, culturally diverse, and socially cohesive nation.

Please note that submission to this Inquiry became a Committee document and the Committee is required to authorise the publication of submissions before they are made available to the public.

Thank you to IHEA members who provided feedback on this submission.

This was submitted on 13 February 2023.

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