IHEA Welcomes Legislation to Establish Jobs and Skills Australia

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the introduction of legislation to establish Jobs and Skills Australia - a new independent agency responsible for providing advice to Government about Australia’s labour market and workforce training and skills needs.

IHEA is pleased that Jobs and Skills Australia will work with a range of stakeholders including state and territory governments, employers, education and training providers, and trade unions to cooperate on issues facing Australia’s labour market and skills shortage.

IHEA also notes with interest that Jobs and Skills Australia will examine the adequacy of the vocational education and training (VET) system to ensure all Australians have the training and skills to access job opportunities.

IHEA holds a unique position as a peak body for Australia’s independent higher education providers because membership is only open to providers registered with the national regulator for higher education - Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). Some IHEA members, however, are also co-regulated, dual sector providers, registered with both TEQSA and the national regulator for VET - Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

IHEA members educate and train students from a diverse range of backgrounds in various disciplines including agricultural science, law, engineering, architecture, business, accounting, tourism and hospitality, education, health sciences, nursing, theology, creative arts, Information Technology, and social sciences, among others.

IHEA looks forward to working with Jobs and Skills Australia and stakeholders to ensure all Australians can access their education and training needs to reach their full potential.

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