Independent Higher Education Providers Best in Country: QILT Results
Latest national QILT Student Experience Surveys confirm that independent higher education providers continue to be the most highly rated by Australian students.
The results of the 2019 QILT Student Experience Survey are clear: independent providers lead the way for a high quality student experience. Independent providers are the best in Australia as rated by students on the key measures that matter – Teaching Quality, Skills Development, Learner Engagement and Student Support.
Independent Higher Education Australia is delighted with the results of student rankings for our high-quality members. IHEA’s Code of Good Practice guides our members, and a key focus for all IHEA members is supporting students to succeed.
Successes for the independent sector continue to grow. For the first time the majority of the top 25 rankings on the ‘Learning Resources’, including the top 8 scores in this measure, are independent providers.
The QILT results demonstrate why more than 140,000 students choose an independent provider to pursue their educational goals and career aspirations.
Annual QILT surveys are the gold standard student evaluation of Australia’s higher education providers. This Commonwealth Government-funded survey is the definitive student voice on quality assessments for the higher education sector.
The exceptional results achieved by independent providers are a robust demonstration that the reputation of Australian higher education is not built on public universities alone.
IHEA congratulations the many smaller providers who have achieved recognition in the top 25 rankings. These providers with their unique focus on student success are being rated higher by students than large institutions with significant public funding and ancillary resources.
The high rankings of smaller providers in student quality rankings demonstrate that the most important elements of a student’s educational experience include teaching quality and student support. Independent providers excel on these measures.
The 2019 QILT results are a clear vote of confidence from students who choose independent providers to equip them with the knowledge and skills to hit the ground running and get results in the workforce.
Unlike public universities, most students enrolling at independent providers self-fund their education, without the Commonwealth subsiding the cost of their tuition. These students are value-conscious consumers who are acutely aware of the standard of teaching and course quality at their provider of choice.
The continued success of Australia’s independent higher education providers creates greater choice for students, who can be confident that the course and provider they choose offers them a high quality qualification to kickstart the achievement of their education, career and life goals.
Teaching and learning quality and student success are the highest priorities for independent providers, who are a valuable and growing part of Australia’s world-class higher education sector.
Independent higher education is the fastest growing segment of the Australian higher education sector as more and more students choose the quality experience that independent providers deliver.
Annual QILT surveys are the gold standard student evaluation of Australia’s higher education providers. This Commonwealth Government-funded survey is the definitive student voice on quality assessments for the higher education sector.
The QILT results demonstrate why more than 140,000 students choose an independent provider to pursue their educational goals and career aspirations.
Successes for the independent sector continue to grow. For the first time the majority of the top 25 rankings on the ‘Learning Resources’, including the top 8 scores in this measure, are independent providers.
Independent Higher Education Australia is delighted with the results of student rankings for our high-quality members. IHEA’s Code of Good Practice guides our members, and a key focus for all IHEA members is supporting students to succeed.
All comment attributable to Simon Finn, CEO, IHEA
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