We are pleased to announce the introduction of Michelle Muchatuta as IHEA’s Policy Director.
Michelle has a strong interest, and extensive experience, in higher education research and policy.
Some will already know Michelle for the contribution she has already made in providing governance, policy, quality assurance, leadership, and advice to higher education providers. Michelle brings a unique perspective to IHEA having worked in academia, as a senior HE manager, and as a regulator at the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
Michelle is a lawyer and higher education researcher with interest and extensive experience in policy matters as evidenced by her previous research roles, publications, and PhD research focus exploring higher education governance.
Within her career, Michelle has provided governance, policy, quality assurance and enhancement leadership and advice to higher education providers in Australia, Ireland, and the UAE. Michelle’s background in tertiary education extends to university and independent higher education settings, VET, and other pathways such as foundation, English and high schools.
"These experiences will enable Michelle to communicate complexities and nuances that underlie higher education administration, delivery, regulation, policy, and credibly develop potential solutions to sectoral challenges and issues," said IHEA CEO Dr Peter Hendy.
"IHEA looks forward to working with Michelle as she leads our policy advocacy in key areas including higher education quality and assurance, international education, and dual sector regulation, among others."

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