Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) congratulates Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson on her appointment as Shadow Minister for Education. “IHEA looks forward to working with the new Shadow Minister for Education, Senator Henderson, as we continu …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) provided a submission to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) providing feedback on the Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper. The Discussion Paper shares an update on what is be …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) notes the publication of the latest data on the number of international students in Australia showing the higher education sector continues to recover. Department of Education and PRISMS data shows that in …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) congratulates and welcomes Mr Tony Cook PSM on his appointment as Secretary of the Department of Education. “IHEA warmly welcomes the appointment of Tony Cook as new Secretary of the Department of Education …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) notes this important Department of Education information / directive for providers about Unique Student Identifiers (USI) and the 2023 requirements for all higher education students. This updated informatio …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the move by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) to outline academic integrity risks in 2023. TEQSA Chief Commissioner Professor Peter Coaldrake AO has written to all registe …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) notes the recent decision in China in effect fast tracking the return of Chinese international students who remain outside of Australia. “IHEA welcomes moves progressing the return of Chinese students to st …
The Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) Melbourne office has been moved to a new location… but only a little bit. We remain in the same building but have moved from level six to level three. The new address: Suite 310, Level 3198 Harbour Es …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) notes the publication of a new Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Guidance Note ‘Research Requirements for Australian Universities’. The new Guidance Note outlines TEQSA’s approach to a …
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the enhancement of global recognition for students in Australia and education institutions with the ratification of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning High …