Alan Manly, founder and CEO of Group Colleges Australia, has penned a piece in October’s edition of Campus Review, explaining that the levels of student satisfaction are higher at independent providers than in government or publicly owned providers.
Please read the letter COPHE sent to Minister Tehan congratulating him on his appointment as the Australian Minister for Education. COPHE used the opportunity to highlight two key issues for independent higher education providers.
COPHE welcomed the opportunity to respond to the The Senate, Red Tape Committee’s enquiry into the effect of red tape on private education. For many of our members, red tape and a high regulatory burden has become the new reality of operating in higher education in Australia.
Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) welcomes the partial abolition of the HELP scheme Loan Fee for students enrolled with Australia’s high quality independent universities.
The COPHE submission outlines the disproportionate impacts of the proposed publication changes on private providers and the shortcomings of the proposal in the protection of students.
COPHE Submission to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee Inquiry: Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017.
Australian Independent Higher Education Providers Ranked Highly in Student Quality Rankings. The 2017 QILT results demonstrate the high quality of Australia’s independent higher education providers.